Welcome to World of Musicality, an in-depth music resource dedicated to providing comprehensive guides and articles on the musical instruments of the world. We are very passionate about sharing our love and knowledge of musical instruments.

Types of Instruments

In this website we classify musical instruments into the following categories:

  • String instruments (chordophones)
  • Wind (Brass and Woodwind) instruments (aerophones)
  • Percussion instruments (idiophones and membranophones)
  • Electronic instruments (electrophones).

Browse our post categories below to explore the instrument types.

Types of Musical Instrument - World of Musicality
Types of Musical Instrument – World of Musicality

Latest Musical Instrument Posts

Types of Brass Instrument

Types of String Instruments

String instruments are technically classified as chordophones in organology (the science of musical instruments), This means their sound is produced by the vibration of strings stretched between fixed points.

This category encompasses a wide range of instruments, including familiar ones like guitars, violins and harps, as well as a variety of other traditional string instruments from different cultures across the world such as lutes and zithers.

Take a deep dive into our articles and beginners guides to explore the many different types of string instruments.

Types of Wind Instruments

Wind instruments are musically classified as aerophones in organology (the science of musical instruments). This means their sound is produced by the excitement of air to make a musical sound. This application of air can be via the musicians own breath or some sort of bellow mechanism.

This category encompasses a vast array of musical instruments, including familiar ones like brass and woodwind instruments or more traditional instruments such as the bagpipes and accordions.

Types of Percussion Instrument

This category encompasses a large number of percussion instruments from across the world, including familiar ones like the bass drum, the timpani drum as well more unusual instruments such as the celesta.