Welcome to World of Musicality, a blog which explores the diversity of musical instruments across the world.
We are a group of passionate musical enthusiasts committed to writing about the rich diversity of musical culture that resonate across towns, cities, countries, continents and the centuries.
As hobby musicians and students of music theory we have many years of instrumental expertise to share.
At World of Musicality, we’ve embarked on a journey to unravel the details and stories behind a wide range of musical instruments and musical genres that grace different cultures worldwide. From the haunting melodies of the Indian sitar to the rhythmic beats of the Celtic bodhran, we strive to encapsulate the essence and soul of each instrument.
Whether you’re a musical beginner, a seasoned musician or just plain interested in music and how it is created World of Musicality offers something for everyone.
Thank you for visiting World of Musicality. Leslie Anderson (Lead music writer).